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superyacht yacht megayacht for sale charter newbuild build building construction owner ownership owners club owner's owners' broker brokerage crew captain recruitment recruiting STCW commission kickback







or Kickback?

2 November 2013

Last revised



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As Members know, yachts aren’t run on shoestring budgets. And most of the money is spent not by them in person, but by their captains and other trusted third parties. In highly competitive marketplaces, there is an incentive to buy business with formal ‘commissions’, extravagant ‘thank you’s – or perhaps just a good old brown envelope.



Reading time

2 November 2013

Last revised

As Members know, yachts aren’t run on shoestring budgets. And most of the money is spent not by them in person, but by their captains and other trusted third parties. In highly competitive marketplaces, there is an incentive to buy business with formal ‘commissions’, extravagant ‘thank you’s – or perhaps just a good old brown envelope.

  • The Bribery Act 2010 in the UK is considered one of the toughest anti-bribery laws globally, with similar principles found in the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

  • The Act applies extraterritorially, meaning that a crime can be committed even if the transaction occurs outside of the UK.

  • There are four key offences under the Act: bribing, receiving a bribe, bribing a foreign public official, and failing to prevent bribery.

  • Bribing involves offering or promising a financial or other advantage in exchange for improper performance of a function or activity, while receiving a bribe includes requesting or accepting such an advantage.

  • Local practices should be disregarded when determining improperness, unless they are part of the written local law.

  • Hospitality can be considered bribery if it is disproportionately generous, especially in industries focused on luxury.

  • The offence of failing to prevent bribery applies to all commercial organizations, including companies and partnerships operating in the UK.

  • Bribery crimes committed outside the UK can be investigated and prosecuted if there is a "close connection" to the UK, such as being a UK passport holder or ordinarily resident.

  • The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) in the UK handles corruption allegations involving UK nationals or incorporated bodies overseas, and there is international cooperation in investigating and prosecuting bribery and corruption.

  • The United States' Foreign Corrupt Practices Act allows payments to foreign public officials to expedite their duties, even if it violates local laws. Civil actions can also be taken against individuals involved in bribery, and a criminal conviction serves as proof of civil liability.

  • The offence of failing to prevent bribery applies to all commercial organizations, including companies and partnerships operating in the UK.

  • Bribery crimes committed outside the UK can be investigated and prosecuted if there is a "close connection" to the UK, such as being a UK passport holder or ordinarily resident.

  • The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) in the UK handles corruption allegations involving UK nationals or incorporated bodies overseas, and there is international cooperation in investigating and prosecuting bribery and corruption.

  • The United States' Foreign Corrupt Practices Act allows payments to foreign public officials to expedite their duties, even if it violates local laws. Civil actions can also be taken against individuals involved in bribery, and a criminal conviction serves as proof of civil liability.

  • The Bribery Act 2010 in the UK is considered one of the toughest anti-bribery laws globally, with similar principles found in the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

  • The Act applies extraterritorially, meaning that a crime can be committed even if the transaction occurs outside of the UK.

  • There are four key offences under the Act: bribing, receiving a bribe, bribing a foreign public official, and failing to prevent bribery.

  • Bribing involves offering or promising a financial or other advantage in exchange for improper performance of a function or activity, while receiving a bribe includes requesting or accepting such an advantage.

  • Local practices should be disregarded when determining improperness, unless they are part of the written local law.

  • Hospitality can be considered bribery if it is disproportionately generous, especially in industries focused on luxury.

superyacht yacht megayacht for sale charter newbuild build building construction owner ownership owners club owner's owners' broker brokerage crew captain recruitment recruiting STCW commission kickback
superyacht yacht megayacht for sale charter newbuild build building construction owner ownership owners club owner's owners' broker brokerage crew captain recruitment recruiting STCW commission kickback

In the United Kingdom, giving incentives and rewards may be a criminal offence – or not – according to whether it falls foul of the Bribery Act 2010. This law is widely recognised as the toughest of its kind in the world, but its principles are much the same in the rest of the world, including the United States’ Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

Significantly, under the Bribery Act, a crime may be committed even if the transaction takes place outside of the UK. This was already the effect of a small and little-known piece of anti-terror legislation introduced in 2001, but the globe-trotting aspects of the 2010 Act are clearer and more coherent.


To be clear, a lot of commission arrangements are perfectly legal – but it’s easy to overstep the mark, and there can be a false assumption that formality means legality. The penalties for getting it wrong include an unusually long prison sentence and unlimited fines.


There are four key offences:

  • Bribing

  • Receiving a bribe

  • Bribing a foreign public official, and

  • Failing to prevent bribery

Bribing occurs when a person offers, gives, or promises to give, a financial or other advantage to someone else in exchange for ‘improperly’ performing a function or activity. Receiving a bribe is defined as requesting, accepting or agreeing to accept such an advantage. An activity will be ‘improperly’ performed when any expectation of good faith or impartiality has been breached, or when the function has been performed in a way not expected of a person in a position of trust. Helpful, this now clarifies what is expected when a commission is an overt element of any business model – even where this may lead to a reduced commission.


So what about those instances where greasing palms to get things to happen is just the way things work? The Act states that local practises should be disregarded when deciding on improperness – unless they form part of the written local law. While the UK authorities are alive to the necessity of ‘facilitation payments’, official tolerance relates only to small payments, made by companies with the right bribery policies and procedures in place.


Hospitality can constitute bribery if it is disproportionately generous. In an industry devoted to luxury, it can be easy for crewmembers to confuse the lifestyle of their wealthy employers with their own – and not think twice about receiving hospitality which, seen from afar, is completely over the top.


The offence of failing to prevent bribery applies only to ‘commercial organisations’, but this includes any company or partnership carrying on any business in the UK. Conceivably, this could yacht owning companies managed from the UK. With regard to the first three offences, while crimes committed outside the UK (except on board UK-flagged vessels) are normally beyond the jurisdiction of the courts, this is not the case with bribery. Given its seriousness, it’s one of a unique group of crimes (along with terrorism and war crimes) that the authorities can and will investigate worldwide. All that’s needed is a ‘close connection’ with the UK – including just being a passport-holder or ordinarily resident.


The UK’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO) acts as the focal point for any allegations of corruption by UK nationals or incorporated bodies overseas, while the City of London Police has an Overseas Anti-Corruption Unit with the specific function of supporting overseas corruption investigations undertaken by the SFO.

The idea that prosecuting authorities have tentacles that can reach worldwide is not limited to the UK. As with many areas of the criminal law, most countries’ laws are broadly similar, and both European Union and United Nations conventions provide for international co-operation with regard to both the investigation and prosecution of bribery and corruption.


While the reach of law enforcers in the United States is equally global in nature, however, a slight difference can be seen in their approach, as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 allows payments to be made to foreign public officials to facilitate or expedite their performance of the duties they’re already bound to perform, even if this still violates local laws. So making a payment to an official to speed up a visa application, for example, would be acceptable.


In addition to the threat of prosecution, an owner may sue an employee or other agent for any loss – and, while a criminal conviction is not necessary for a civil action, it would be undeniable proof of civil liability. The owner may also be able to withdraw from the contract agreed to by the agent, whether or not he or she brings an action against the agent, and this option may be useful if, for example, the owner has managed to find a better deal elsewhere.


While it might seem that the authorities are coming down rather hard on corruption, it’s not because they are trying to spearhead some kind of moral crusade but simply because corruption distorts rational product and service choices, which can ultimately prevent the cream of the industry from rising to the top, distort markets and threaten economic growth.

superyacht yacht megayacht for sale charter newbuild build building construction owner ownership owners club owner's owners' broker brokerage crew captain recruitment recruiting STCW commission kickback

Thank you to all our Members who contributed to this article. Unless otherwise stated, this article broadly describes, by way of illustration, the situation in the United Kingdom waters in respect of United Kingdom-registered vessels.  This piece does not provide or replace legal advice.

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