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Types of


26 March 2023

Last revised



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The type of insurance you need depends on the size of your yacht – and how you use it. Various types of cover can be combined within one product. Having insufficient cover can breach local laws, but be careful not to buy cover you don’t need. And make sure you understand the role of the company you’re buying the policy through.



Reading time

26 March 2023

Last revised

The type of insurance you need depends on the size of your yacht – and how you use it. Various types of cover can be combined within one product. Having insufficient cover can breach local laws, but be careful not to buy cover you don’t need. And make sure you understand the role of the company you’re buying the policy through.

  • Large yacht ownership involves various risks, and insurance coverage is available to mitigate those risks.

  • Compulsory insurances are required by port authorities, including third-party liability cover for yachts over 300 gross tonnes.

  • Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Clubs provide liability coverage and support for yacht owners, often combined with Freight, Demurrage & Defence (FD&D) cover.

  • Employers' liability insurance is required under UK law for the legal owner's liability for employee injuries.

  • Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) requirements include liability coverage for repatriation, outstanding salaries, and occupational injury-related payments for crew.

  • Crew welfare insurance covers medical costs and financial repercussions for crew members in case of illness or accidents.

  • Oil pollution insurance is necessary to cover the legal owner's liability for oil spills caused by crew members.

  • Wreck removal insurance is required by some countries and mandates coverage for the costs of removing wrecks.

  • Hull & Machinery insurance covers loss or damage to the yacht, its engines, equipment, fittings, and accessories.

  • Additional coverage options include war & strikes, fine art & valuables, subsea equipment, kidnap & ransom, project risk, and project liability insurance.

  • Crew welfare insurance covers medical costs and financial repercussions for crew members in case of illness or accidents.

  • Oil pollution insurance is necessary to cover the legal owner's liability for oil spills caused by crew members.

  • Wreck removal insurance is required by some countries and mandates coverage for the costs of removing wrecks.

  • Hull & Machinery insurance covers loss or damage to the yacht, its engines, equipment, fittings, and accessories.

  • Additional coverage options include war & strikes, fine art & valuables, subsea equipment, kidnap & ransom, project risk, and project liability insurance.

  • Large yacht ownership involves various risks, and insurance coverage is available to mitigate those risks.

  • Compulsory insurances are required by port authorities, including third-party liability cover for yachts over 300 gross tonnes.

  • Protection & Indemnity (P&I) Clubs provide liability coverage and support for yacht owners, often combined with Freight, Demurrage & Defence (FD&D) cover.

  • Employers' liability insurance is required under UK law for the legal owner's liability for employee injuries.

  • Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) requirements include liability coverage for repatriation, outstanding salaries, and occupational injury-related payments for crew.

superyacht yacht megayacht for sale charter newbuild build building construction owner ownership owners club owner's owners' broker brokerage insurance insuring policy clause underwiring underwriter Lloyd's hull and machiner pandi P&I
superyacht yacht megayacht for sale charter newbuild build building construction owner ownership owners club owner's owners' broker brokerage insurance insuring policy clause underwiring underwriter Lloyd's hull and machiner pandi P&I

Here we’re looking at the various risks which large yacht ownership entails, and the cover available. Individual policies go by various names, and multiple risks are sometimes covered by one product, especially for smaller vessels. Compulsory insurances are considered first, followed by discretionary coverage. Many port authorities require not only cover, but also immediate proof in the form of certificates, so make sure these are issued simultaneously with insurance documentation.




Risk of the legal owner’s liability to third parties, while your yacht is in service.



For yachts of 300 gross tonnes or more, third party liability cover is required by, and in accordance with, the Merchant Shipping (Compulsory Insurance of Shipowners for Maritime Claims) Regulations 2012 (UK) and Directive 2009/20/EC on the insurance of shipowners for maritime claims (EU). Most port states and private marinas require third party cover.



Offered as Third Party Liability (TPL) insurance, or as broader Protection & Indemnity (P&I) cover - particularly for larger yachts. Historically, because third party claims can be so large (think oil spills), commercial ship owners joined together to form Protection & Indemnity Clubs, known as P&I Clubs. The larger ones are members of the International Group which has liability pooling arrangements to cope with the largest claims. Operating on a mutual not-for-profit basis, meaning that members can be asked to pay additional amounts to make the books balance, yacht owners can be an awkward fit. Some Clubs now offer fixed-premium cover. P&I Clubs in particular have claims handlers and foreign correspondents able to provide immediate advice following an incident, and can provide useful loss prevention guidance. In the unlikely event of a yacht being detained at a port following, for example, an accidental diesel discharge, the club will also have the known and respected financial muscle to provide security and allow the yacht to be released while the claim is processed at a later date. This support can be extremely useful in helping to keep a charter schedule on track, especially where problems are encountered in exotic destinations where local insider knowledge and contacts are vital. Although owners and managers should always ensure that they make the most of the Clubs’ support, this network is often overlooked. It can be packaged with Freight, Demurrage & Defence (FD&D) cover, which combines hands-on legal support provided by P&I Club in-house lawyers, and cover for external legal advice.





Risk of the legal owner’s liability for bodily injury or disease sustained by any of its employees and arising out of and in the course of their employment.



Required within the waters of, and yards within, Great Britain under the Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 as supplemented by the Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 1998, in respect of any employee ordinarily resident in Great Britain.



This is a specific requirement of United Kingdom law, but similar requirements apply in many other jurisdictions, such as under the Jones Act in the United States. Cover will usually already be provided by a P&I Club (if applicable) so make sure you’re not paying for separate employers’ liability unnecessarily. Your broker should be able to advise you of cover limits applicable. It’s easy for dayworkers to become employees for the purposes of the law – even though they aren’t formally employed as crew or otherwise.





Risk of the legal owner’s liability for repatriation of crew and associated essentials, liability for outstanding salaries, etc, and liability for contractual payments for death or long-term disability due to an occupational injury, illness or hazard.



Required in respect of all chartered yachts, where the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, as amended, (MLC) is in force, and aboard yachts registered in countries applying the MLC, pursuant to Regulation 2.5 Standard A2.5.2 Paragraph 9 and Regulation 4.2 Standard A4.2.1 paragraph 1(b) of MLC.



Cover will usually already be provided by a P&I Club (if applicable) so make sure you’re not paying for separate MLC cover unnecessarily. Your broker should be able to advise you on whether such cover is needed.





Risk of a crewmember being unavailable for work for longer than necessary.



Some elements may be required by law.



Typically covers treatment costs, and financial repercussions, for crew in the event of illness or accident – whether on duty or not, and whether on board or ashore. Cover varies considerably, and there may be some elements of the cover which overlaps with, or includes, employers’ liability insurance and/or cover required by MLC. Beyond legal requirements, unless you’re prepared to pay this out of your own pocket, it makes sense to insure against crew accidents and medical treatments costs. It’s a benefit which is appreciated and may help to ensure that crew with minor injuries can return to work as soon as possible.





Risk of the legal owner being held liable for the criminal acts of crewmembers in causing oil pollution, and the effects and costs of cleaning up.



Insurance is usually required in respect of all yachts over 1,000 GT by the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage 2001, but liability under this convention extends to vessels of all sizes. May also be required by other local laws, such as the United States Oil Pollution Act 1990.



Fines and clean-up costs can be enormous, and the spectre of criminal liability – potentially meaning that beneficial owners cannot shelter behind an owning company – means that you must be clear that the requisite cover is in place. Cover is normally provided by P&I Clubs, and Blue Cards, proving cover, can normally be obtained on request. Fines can be issued for not carrying proof on board.





Risk of the legal owner being fined for not being insured against the costs of wreck removal.



Insurance can be required in respect of all yachts of 300 GT and over – by a small but growing number of countries – under the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks 2007. It can also be mandated by local laws.



Cover is normally provided by P&I Clubs, and Blue Cards, proving cover, can normally be obtained on request. Fines can be issued for not carrying proof on board.





Risk of loss of, or damage caused to, your yacht, its engines, equipment, fittings and accessories.



Not normally required by law.



The term Hull & Machinery is a little misleading since the whole yacht will be covered, not just the hull and ‘machinery’ – a shipping term essentially meaning the engine and sterngear. The precise scope of cover will vary. Check, for example, whether fine art and valuables are covered, as well as your other personal effects and those of guests and crewmembers. Be aware of conditions in respect of named storms, and geographical cruising limits. Also check whether tenders are covered. Aircraft and submersibles carried on board are normally excluded.





Risk of loss of, or damage caused to, your yacht, its engines, equipment, fittings and accessories, caused by war, terrorism, insurrection and strikes, and not covered by your Hull & Machinery policy.



Not normally required by law.



While cruising in a war zone isn’t going to provide the most relaxing experience, this fills gaps in the Hull & Machinery policy which may exclude passages through waters known for piracy, and damage caused where volatile political demonstrations spill over into harbourside areas.





Risk of loss of, or damage caused to, works of art and other valuable items, installed or carried on board your yacht, and not covered by your Hull & Machinery policy.



Not normally required by law.



Because the sky could otherwise be the limit to losses – and because yacht insurance has its roots in commercial shipping, works of art and other valuable items are normally excluded from Hull & Machinery policies. This insurance fills that gap. Be alert of the need to agree item descriptions and valuations at inception.





Risk of loss of, or damage caused to, submersibles being carried on board your yacht, and not covered by your Hull & Machinery policy.



Not normally required by law.



Submersibles being too specialist a risk for many underwriters, they are normally excluded.





Risk of you having to pay for crisis response, negotiation services and ransoms in the event of a kidnapping.



Not normally required by law.



While damage caused to your yacht, by pirates, should be covered by Hull & Machinery or War & Strikes Risks, costs associated with any resulting kidnapping are not. This insurance looks to plug that gap.





Risk of loss of, or damage caused to, your yacht, its engines, equipment, fittings and accessories, while being built.



Not normally required by law.



Hull & Machinery insurance is for yachts that have been completed – not in-build projects. The builder will insure the project (and this should have been addressed in the build agreement) but the builder’s cover may be limited. This cover looks to plug that gap, as well as covering parts and equipment in storage at the yard and awaiting installation.





Risk of the legal owner’s liability to third parties, while your yacht is being built, refitted or repaired.



May be required by law.



While the builder’s insurances should provide cover in respect of its own contractors and employees, it will not normally cover your project manager(s), crewmembers and contractors which you engage in respect of the project, and its tenders. You may have specific employers’ liability insurance obligations, or the local equivalent.

superyacht yacht megayacht for sale charter newbuild build building construction owner ownership owners club owner's owners' broker brokerage insurance insuring policy clause underwiring underwriter Lloyd's hull and machiner pandi P&I

Thank you to all our Members who contributed to this article. Unless otherwise stated, this article broadly describes, by way of illustration, the situation in the United Kingdom waters in respect of United Kingdom-registered vessels.  This piece does not provide or replace legal advice.

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